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Join Us For The Chad Dad Blueprint And Reclaim Your Energy, Your Confidence, Your Testosterone, Your Sex Life, And Your Vitality

When was the last time your wife looked at you like she did when you first met?

Think back to when you first started dating your wife...

What was that period of your life like?

Do you reminisce about the passion-filled nights and how you couldn't keep your hands off of each other?

About how you both couldn't wait to leave the bar so you could be alone together?

Do you wish you still had that FIRE inside of you...

Do you wish your wife STILL caught the corner of your eye with that "look" that told you things were going to get VERY steamy very quickly when you got home?

Why do you think that FIRE burned so INTENSELY when you were single?

Men are hunters.

It's in our biology.

Think back about when you were single and you just met your future wife...

WHY do you think you were so damn appealing to her back then?

Was it because you were slaving away at a job you didn't like, just to put food on the table?

Was it because you were pounding beers and eating wings every Sunday, watching your favorite football team?

No, of course not...

Back then, you were HUNTING her.

You were on the prowl... 

You were in much better shape...

You were flirting with her constantly...

Your testosterone was HIGH, and you did everything you could to get laid every chance you had.

You had dreams...

You had confidence...

You had energy...

The world was YOURS for the taking, and the future seemed bright.

With that kind of energy, zest, and vigor inside of you, your future wife looked at you with excitement in her eyes... 

So much has changed between then and now...

Somewhere along the lines, you got married.

Off into the "real world" you went... 

Yes, you still had dreams, but you also had a mortgage... 

And car payments... 

And eventually, children...

Instead of flirting like crazy, your life became a big list of "to-do" tasks, and the daily grind took its toll on your zest, and your waistline.

You slave away at the office from Monday through Friday.

You tackle your fatherly duties, and schlep your kids around town to activity after activity.

You pitch in and do your fair share of the housework to help out your wife.

You grab fast food on the way home from your kid's soccer practice, gobbling down a sack of burgers as you're watching TV.

Work out?

HA! Ain't nobody got time for that... 

The daily grind has beaten you down by now, and the "ROAR" the younger you once had has been reduced to a whimper.

No more fire.

No more excitement.

And no more spur-of-the-moment "quickies", either... 

You're just so exhausted with the responsibilities and tasks, sex is the last thing on your mind...

If ONLY you could get your spark back... 

At some point, you eventually start thinking to yourself... 

"Is this it? Is this ALL life is for me now?"

How would your wife would look at you if you lost the gut, built up your body, and rediscovered the confident and energetic MAN you used to be?

It doesn't have to be this way.

Somewhere along the lines, your dreams went from ruling the world and building an empire to surviving your week so you can relax a bit on the weekend.

This isn't the way to go through life as a man...

Men are wired to BUILD.

We are energized when we begin with a plan and start laying "bricks" towards a goal. 

And if you're not building something, there's no better place to start than building yourself physically.

When you start building up your body, everything changes.

Losing fat and building muscle fundamentally alters you, but not only physically - mentally as well.

Your testosterone shoots through the roof.

Your clothes start fitting better.

Your belt gets looser and your shirt sleeves get tighter.

You start to feel your back muscles ripple as you walk down the street.

Your head is held higher, and your chin is up.

Women can smell that kind of confidence a mile away... and when your wife experiences "the new you", that teenage-feeling of desire will be right back in play... 

It is your DUTY as a Father and Husband to be the BEST version of yourself you can be

Men all over the country (and the world) are struggling.

We walk around listless, without a purpose.

We are lacking in our physicality - just take a look around when you're out in public... how many men do you see out there with a masculine physical presence?

How many men exude confidence, shake hands firmly, and look you directly into your eyes when you meet them? 

Woefully few...

Most men keep their heads down, looking at their feet.

They shuffle to and fro with their shoulders slumped, defeated.

They can tell you the latest ballgame score, the hottest new series on Netflix, and their favorite IPA, but if you ask them when the last time they lifted weights was, you'll be met with a blank stare.

Your Sons will want to be like you, and your Daughters will want to date someone like you

Children are sponges.

They absorb everything around them.

Whatever presence YOU have, they see that and internalize it.

What sort of a message are you sending to your sons and daughters?

Is it a message of strength, confidence, and leadership?

Or is it one of contentment and apathy?

One of the main pillars of being a man is to be BUILDING something.

Building your Body.

Building your Mind.

Building your Family's Legacy.

Building your Relationships.

Building your Wealth.

When your Sons grow up, they will want to be like you. 

Whether you realize it or not, they're watching. 


And taking notes.

When your Daughters grow up, they will seek out other men who act and behave like you

They will seek the comfort of their Fathers, and they will try to find that comfort in other men.

What kind of an example are you setting to your kids?

Are you the strongest, the most resilient, and the most POWERFUL man you can be?

In 2010 I became a Dad... And I was in HORRIBLE shape...

The above tale is a story I know all too well... 

The first few months of Brooklyn's life were a blur. 

I was teaching school full time and my wife was working 50+ hours per week.

I could barely keep my head above water; my days were spent teaching, my nights were spent waking up for diapers and feedings, and my weekends were spent grading papers.

I didn't have time to think, let alone train or eat right.

This is a picture of myself and Brooklyn at the time:

Shortly after this picture was taken, I took a look at it closely.

I thought about my current trajectory.

I asked myself what life would be like in 10 years if I continued down this path...

The answer was crystal clear.

If I continued to disregard my health, skip my training sessions, and "yolo" all of my meals, I would have diabetes before too long.

I taught students whose Fathers had passed away from heart attacks and strokes.

And I realized... that would be me one day if something didn't change...

This realization shook me to my core.

From then on, I vowed 'NO EXCUSES' - I got my mind right and dedicated myself to my health and my fitness.

I have to walk my daughters down the aisle one day.

And that's a responsibility I take VERY seriously...

Reclaim Your Manhood With

The Chad Dad Blueprint

After the Pandemic of 2020, I was itching to get back into the weight room.

For the previous 9 months, I had been limited to dumbbells and a pull up bar in my basement. 

I was tired of having to do a million reps of the same exercises, and I was READY to smash some serious iron again.

I got to work on creating the Ultimate Training Program to rebuild my body into something strong, aesthetic, and masculine.

I leaned hard on my 10+ years of coaching experience and everything I had learned about proper hypertrophy and making concrete muscular gains.

After my gameplan was created, I aptly titled it "The Chad Dad Program", and into the gym I went.

I knew the program would work beautifully, but I was SHOCKED by the results:

The Chad Dad Blueprint is a 6 Week All Out BLITZ To Gain Strength, Muscle, and Confidence

The Chad Dad Program has since been used by over 2,000 men across the Globe.

And with The Chad Dad Blueprint, we're taking things to the next level.

For the next 6 weeks, we're leading a group of like minded men who are READY to stop living in the past, and start BUILDING their futures.

The Chad Dad Blueprint Includes:

  • 6 Weeks of Intense Training following the Chad Dad Program parameters (access to dumbbells is a minimum - a full gym is even better)
  • ​4 Days Per Week focusing on the Upper Body using only the most effective muscle and strength building compound movements.
  • ​The infamous Wednesday Chad Dad Leg Day that will leave you trembling down the stairs in its wake - only the STRONG survive.
  • ​Bring out your aesthetics using targeted isolation moves daily with The Chad Dad Superset.
  • Hypertrophy Nutritional Targets *without* counting calories or macronutrients - cutting edge recommendations to maximize your structural gains while minimizing fat gains during the next 6 weeks (no tracking required)
  • Chad Dad Habit Building - a series of daily Healthy Habits to master allowing you to have laser-like focus on improving your health and physical appearance
  • Muscle Building Supplementation Recommendations - maximize your gains by utilizing the BEST (legal) supplements for physique improvements
  • Guidance and Support from The Anyman Fitness Coaches - and a Community message board to support your fellow Dads in their journeys
  • Content, Recipe Guides, an App for Tracking Your Workouts, and much, much more...

Where Your Body Goes, Your Mind Will Follow

Everything stems from the physical.

In my 10+ years in the fitness industry, this is a fact.

When you build your body first, and you start having discipline to improve yourself physically, it will leave ripples in your daily life.

Your confidence will begin to soar from seeing your body change week to week.

You'll start to build a quiet aura around you, and others will begin to take you more seriously.

Your wife will look at you differently, and your sex life will take off. 

When you begin to make progress with your body, showing discipline and perseverance, you'll start to take control in other areas of your life.

Self improvement ALWAYS starts with the physical.

If you're sick and tired of thinking back about your 'Glory Days', and you're ready to start building a new future for yourself, we begin on Monday.

It's time for you to become The Chad Dad you've always dreamed of...

The Chad Dad Blueprint

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$57 one-time fee ($20 off)